9:08 am / Zoning
Let's just start by saying that a Development Permit is not the same as a building permit. Both permit processes have a very specific set a rules to meet. The Development Permit is reviewed against the rules of a Land Use Bylaw (zoning) and the Building Permit is reviewed against the rules of the Building Code. Development Permit A development permit providesĀ permission for a specific type of d..
READ MORE >4:10 pm / Zoning
When it comes to Real Estate there are a number of strategies to create value. The most popular strategies are popularized with all these renovation, flipping and renting TV shows. A lot of stress, sweat and work but there are ways to be smart and avoid having to learn how to tile a kitchen backslash. As a land use planner and zoning specialist for 20 years, I have been able to see trends and see ..