When purchasing or leasing a property for a specific project, it’s important to ensure that the envision use is consistent with the local jurisdiction. We will review not only the future use of project but also all the development regulation such as parking need and the potential to expend the use in the future. Our experience allows us to complete the review in a short time to complete a transaction.
Knowledge is the key factor for success with City Hall. We have identified four categories to develop a complete understanding and ability to successfully manage a project to approval. We call it the four “Ps.”
This pillar is critical. Understanding the regulations is important to evaluate up front if a project is at risk or not.
The approval process will include the input from dozens of people ranging from community groups to technical reviews from engineers or feedback from the parks department. Our understanding of the role of each referee is an important piece of the puzzle.
The approval process will differ depending on the application itself. We map the process steps clearly so you can keep track of your progress and develop a predictable timeline.
This is usually where our clients excel but understanding your own product is key in being able to make adjustment along the way and respond to comments and feedback.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us